Monday, September 19, 2011

Apple Rice Krispie Treats!

Since today was the first day of school for Molly, we made these fun Apple Rice Krispie Treats for an evening snack!

We found the idea and recipe for these over at Gourmet Mom on-the-go. They use marshmellows, butter, cherry Jell-O, and Rice Krispies. Then you add a tootsie roll and green taffy for the tops. (to make the leaf, I just used a kitchen scissors to cut up a green air head) The Jell-O makes them SO yummy!!!

Molly was a HUGE fan!

And Nora loved getting sticky! Seriously these were super easy, and yummy! Even dad ate two!


  1. Love the Jello idea in the recipe. That DOES sound good! I was thinking of doing rice crispy treats in 3 colors (yellow, white, and orange) and make them shaped like candy corn. These are super cute!

  2. What's an air head? sorry I must be out of it?

  3. How cute!!! And they look yummy! I wonder if they are gluten free? We aren't gluten free, but have some friends who are.

  4. That is so cute and look very delicious recipe. But, if you wanna eat fast food must try Peri-Peri Guys which is the beat Fast food restaurant in Hicksville NY.
