Monday, June 15, 2009

Menu Monday!

Saturday, my friend Kalli and I did a cooking marathon. We cooked a ton of meals to freeze, so we would have them ready for those summer days when you just don't feel like making something. This made my weeks menu easy to come up with. Here is our dinners for the week.

Monday- Chicken Lasagna
Tuesday- Out to dinner with friend, grill cheese for family
Wednesday- Martha Stewart's Pot Roast
Thursday- Chicken salad, strawberries, pretzels; picnic
Friday- Leftovers
Saturday- Grilled chicken breast with BBQ sauce glaze

For more great menu planning ideas, visit


  1. Wow, that pot roast sounds awesome with the soup. You'll have to tell us how it tastes. Also, where are you picnicing? Sounds fun!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your menu looks great too! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Sounds yummy!

    I left you an award on my blog!
