I have been wanting to get better about doing "Random Acts of Kindness" with my girls, but couldn't quite figure out how to make sure we stay accountable. I love the idea of everyday of Dec. or each year on your birthday doing as many RAKs as your age. But all this seemed kind of overwhelming with a 2 yr old and 4yr old in tow.
So, a few months ago we started planning and doing a "Random Act of Kindness" every Monday. We figured Mondays are probably a day people would love a little extra cheer! The girls and I are loving planning something and I love seeing Molly excited about giving back and doing something nice. Some weeks we just send out a card to a friend, and sometimes we pick toys to bring to the mission, etc.
Our favorite by far was Ding Dong Ditching!!! We saw this great idea and adorable tags over at
Poppies at Play.

We headed to the store and bought some Ding Dongs, and printed
these cute tags for the tops.

Then we were off to Grandparents and friends houses to Ding Dong Ditch them a yummy surprise. Molly laughed the whole run up to the house.
Quick rang the doorbell.
Left the Ding Dongs on the step, and came running back at top speed!!! I didn't get any pics of the running back, since I was quick buckling her into the carseat and driving off so Grandma wouldn't catch us, hehehe.
I haven't laughed so much in a LONG time, and I don't think the inlaws have stopped talking about how much they loved there surprise. :)