For Nora's 2nd birthday in Feb. we had an Olivia party. Nora loves the Olivia books and movies, and after
she was Olivia for Halloween, we knew we had to plan that for her birthday!
Here are a few of the fun decorations we made for the party!

Here are the water bottle labels we made for this party! I love making these, they are such an easy touch to add. These ones are just computer paper printed with Happy Birthday Nora and a picture of Olivia on them. Then I just cut them out, and put them on the bottles with packing tape.

We had lots of red and white (Olivia colors), but I loved these red and white striped straws I picked up on clearance after Christmas; apparently they were candy cane. :)

Dessert area was more red and white. I love making cakes, but for this party we opted for make-your-own brownie sundaes and cupcakes.

It's hard to see in the pictures, but we made little cupcake toppers of Olivia characters.

I made these yummy reindeer noses for the party too. Let me tell you, they were NOT as easy as everyone says they are to make! It took me three failed batches before I learned the tricks!

Red and white decorations were easy this time of year since Nora's birthday falls right before Valentine's day. One of my favorite red touches, was putting red licorice in collin's glasses around the house. Yum!

And even thought this isn't a great picture, we sewed these cute paper garlands to hang up!

And of course pictures of the birthday girl up on the fridge!

Here's Nora enjoying her birthday lunch with dad!

Getting good at blowing out her candles!

She was very spoiled by family and friends, and loved opening her presents!

Along with little Olivia boxes and stickers for all the kids, we laminated activity placemats so they could color them with dry erase markers.
Nora had a great birthday, and we are so happy we could have friends and family over to celebrate her turning 2!