Hello all! I am very excited to be a guest blogger today on my sister Kim’s blog. To give you a quick intro…my name is Beth, and I am Kim’s older sister, although for much of our lives people thought Kim was older than me, as she has ALWAYS been more mature. Not to say that I am immature…just more wild and crazy. I managed to channel all of this craziness into a very cool profession where you need to be pretty crazy, which is event planning. When I found out that my precious niece Molly had a brain tumor and was going to need surgery, I just knew I was going to have to do something to help. After chatting with my mom, aunts and cousins, I just knew that I had to put my God-given talent to plan events to good use! And so, Molly’s Miracle “Fun”draiser was born.
Why am I writing about this and not Kim? Well, I think we all know that it’s a little weird to actually ASK for help. Who likes doing that? Not me. It took a little convincing to even get the event going, so I told Kimmy that I wanted to hijack her blog for a day and do the asking. Because that’s what sisters do.
And so…you ALL need to SAVE THE DATE for Molly’s Miracle “Fun”draiser event on Friday, September 17 from 6 – 9 pm at the
Grand Rapids Children’s Museum. More information can be found
HERE, but basically, it’s going to be the perfect family night out. Besides all of the fun, regular exhibits at the Museum, they are also featuring the Curious George exhibit through September. Plus, we’ll have all kinds of additional fun, like face painting, snacks, a penny carnival, a silent auction, and so much more. Even if you don’t have kids to bring…there will be lots of fun to be had, or you can contact me to volunteer. We really do need so much help to make this happen.
The event cost is $5 per person, with a maximum of $20 per family. Seriously…this is an incredible deal. It usually costs $6.50 per person just to get in to the Children’s Museum, including adults! Not to mention they aren’t normally open at night, so this is a great opportunity for parents who work to take their kids out and PLAY! Please spread the word to all of your friends with kids…even if they don’t know Molly, they can come and play and have fun, all for a GREAT cause.
Can’t make it to the event but still want to help? GOOD NEWS! We have a credit card donation button up and running right here on this blog. Look to the left, at the top…see it? This will connect you to a PayPal account that will put the money right into a fund just for Molly’s medical expenses. Nice and safe and secure. Pass it on.
We also have some really awesome fliers that were designed for us by a professional who just wanted to help, and they really look GREAT. If you would like to distribute fliers and/or post them in your place of business or church, please contact me at btimmer_99@yahoo.com so I can send you a PDF of the flier. I am also looking for silent auction donations, a DJ to help at the event, volunteers for the carnival games and face painting, and a few other things. So let me know if you’re interested.
Thank you all so much for all of the love and support you have shown Kim, Randal, Molly and Nora, and really…to all of us. It’s a crazy world out there, and you just never know what is going to happen next. But we DO know that we have all of you out there to lean on when we need it. It’s been amazing. See you all at the event!