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Blue Cricket Design: Show and Tell

At the Neurocurgeons office they looked over the MRI pictures, and told us that they show there is still something on her brain. They are not sure yet exactly what it is. It could just be something not absorbed from the surgery or a blood vessel, but it could also be part of the tumor left or another very small start of a tumor. It is small right now, so there is not a worry they should be doing anything yet. Basically he said in 3 more months when they do another MRI they will be able to get a better idea of what it is. If it is getting bigger, then it would be a tumor, but if it is the same or absorbing it is something else.
So, we are going to look at this as good news. We are very lucky with how things have gone for us so far, and Molly is doing great. Things aren't completely perfect and clear like we hoped, but they definitely are much better than they could be.
Just something interesting too, on the pictures they show us of Molly's brain, there is an empty area where the tumor used to be. When we asked if that was going to fill in over time, the doctor told us it wouldn't. We think this is so crazy. Our smart little Molly will always have an empty hole in her brain? Weird. The human body is definitely fearfully and wonderfully made. What a miracle it all works.
I thought it was time to do a Molly update and let you all know how things are going. Molly is doing great, and is loving being home and enjoying the summer. Most of you know that about a week and a half ago she fell down the bottom few stairs in our house and broke her arm. I know, I couldn't believe it, poor girl has been through enough this year. Anyways, we had to go and have it re-xrayed in the cast this morning to make sure it was healing correctly. It turned out it hasn't healed at all and is maybe a little bit worse, which is discouraging, so we will go back next week to have it xrayed again and hopefully see improvement. (mom is trying not to worry why it isn't healing.)
A few weeks ago, we also saw the Pediatric Ophthalmologist again for Molly's eyes. She said the double vision is probably gone, YEAH, and things are looking about 80% better, YEAH! So, as for now, they are going to continue to watch and see what happens here. We still notice one of her eyes drifting now and then, and her winking to refocus, but not near as much! We also had a follow up at Mary Free Bed, which went fine, they were very happy with her progress.
Tomorrow is the BIG day! In the morning Molly will have her first 3 month MRI with the neurosurgeon. For the next few years, she will have an MRI ever 3 months to make sure everything looks good, that there is no trace of anything unusual, and that the tumor is not coming back. Then they will eventually switch to every 6 months. We are getting pretty nervous about this, and anxious to get through it. The actually MRI takes about an hour, but since she is only 2 she has to be put under for it, and needs an IV. We are praying this all goes smoothly for her, Molly is very, very nervous around doctors now, after everything she went through and tends to freak out. After the MRI, we will get to meet with the doctor and go over the results in the afternoon. It is nice not to have to wait for these, and hopefully will help us not to have as long to worry and think about it. I will update here tomorrow night and let you all know how things went.
Thank you all so much for your continued thoughts and prayers! The support has been amazing, and we really appreciate everything.