Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another MRI Done!

It's been another 3 months already, so it was time for Molly to have her quarterly MRI. We spent today at the Childrens Hospital and then got to go from there to meet with her Neurosurgeon this afternoon. We are happy to report that things look stable, and Molly is cleared for another 3 months! Such an answer to prayers and a relief, I won't lie, I was very worried this time. Her Neurosurgeon said that there is a 2mm spot he wants to watch really closely that might be residual tumor, but that "nothing jumps out at him that would require immediate action." Molly will still need to have MRI's every 3 months for another year and a half at least, and then depending on how things look she can move to every 6 months. I am looking forward to when she will be old enough to have these tests with out needing sedation, it is definitely a long, stressful morning for Molly and all of us.

Today is also my husband and my 8th anniversary, so we are heading out for dinner to try and relax, and then I am ready to be done for the day! I think I could sleep for a week!


  1. YAY!!! I am so happy that everything looks good thus far. Will keep her in my prayers that the spot ends up being nothing! :)

    Oh and happy anniversary! Have fun tonight, try not to only talk about the doctors appointment, although I am sure it will be hard!

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